Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Affordable Airplane Ownership-7 Strategies

!9#: Affordable Airplane Ownership-7 Strategies

1. Can you depreciate your new Cessna and qualify for huge tax savings?

Aircraft owners who fly their aircraft in the course of business are entitled to depreciate the cost of the airplane on their tax return. Two types of special depreciation can be used so you can deduct a higher percentage of the cost of the airplane in the year of purchase. The special depreciation rules were created and updated in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks to stimulate the economy by encouraging the purchase of equipment by businesses. So make sure you are receiving all the benefits you can for your own business! Talk to your accountant today or ask us for the name of an Aviation Tax Specialist to help you properly structure your purchase.

2. Can you lease your airplane and earn money every time it flies?

New Skyhawk owners lease their planes to flight schools for one or more of the following reasons:

a. Reduce the cost of flying with revenue collected when the plane flies.

b. Engage in legitimate business activity and qualify for tax savings.

c. Operate a profitable business with multiple leased planes. Regardless of your motivation, we can help you locate the right plane and the right school to reach your goals.

3. Are you working on your Private or Instrument rating and plan complete soon?

When you become a new Cessna owner, we’ll pay for your flying lessons! If you’re working on your Private or Instrument rating, finish it up within 18 months of your purchase and your lessons are on us! We know that a good pilot is one who’s always learning.

4. Have you worked with the New Cessna Consultants at Suburban Aviation to design a plan to trade in and move up as your aviation skills and needs change?

Doesn’t it just make sense to learn in a Skyhawk, and move up to a Skylane or Stationair when your needs require seats, speed and elbow room? Wouldn’t it be great if someone would take your airplane back and trade it for a bigger, faster airplane as your needs change? Suppose you could even agree to a buy back rate before you purchase your airplane so you could calculate exactly how much your flying will cost?

That would be SMART, LOW-RISK buying. Owning the right airplane at the right time can save you thousands of dollars! Learn how you can advance to the right airplane to meet your changing flying lifestyle without losing money on your investment.

5. Have you discovered the easiest and most convenient way to finance your new Cessna?

You just need to make one phone call to Cessna Finance for the best rates in the aviation industry and a simple online application form. Your approval will arrive in just 24 hours and Cessna Finance will work directly with Cessna Aircraft in a seamless transaction. It’s as easy as buying a car! Learn more:

Frequently Asked Questions []

6. Have you considered an aircraft lease rather than a purchase?

Do you lease your car? Prefer to pay for just what you’ll use rather than the entire vehicle? You can lease a new Cessna too and for many, this financing option makes plenty of sense. Cessna Finance Company understands that your needs may be unique and they’re ready to design a creative solution for you. Learn more by visiting their website at: []

7. Do you like to be seen in your new Cessna?

What if you could earn money just for being seen in your new Cessna? Well, you can! Suburban Aviation’s affiliate program pays you when other aviators are introduced to Suburban Aviation and join the new owners club because they saw how much fun you were having! What could be easier! Learn more by contacting (517) 552 3495

8. BONUS: Putting it together!

O.K. So I lied. Here’s an 8th strategy. . . The best yet! You can actually combine several of the strategies above to really reduce the cost of flying. Take a look:

a. Purchase a new Cessna Skyhawk as a business asset in an LLC

b. Use the competitive financing from Cessna Finance Corporation.

c. Lease your plane to your favorite flight school .( Learn all about Leasebacks on the website)

d. Depreciate the Skyhawk for huge tax savings. (Skyhawk Tax Savings [])

e. Complete your Private rating and get a check from Cessna.

f. Move up to a Skylane and start taking your family with you!

g. Receive top trade in dollars for your Skyhawk from Suburban Aviation and have them help you with the 1031 “Like Kind Exchange” to transfer your depreciation to your new asset.

h. Complete your Instrument rating and once again. . . get a check from Cessna!

i. Enjoy significant savings on your aircraft insurance with an Instrument rating.

j. Join Suburban Aviation’s Affiliate program to earn money when other aviators become owners after spotting you and your family enjoying the lifestyle.

You’ve just saved thousands of dollars and own the most popular airplane ever built! Contact me today to design a purchase plan to meet your needs and take advantage of savings opportunities!

Suburban Aviation, Inc

3800 W. Grand River Ave.

Howell, MI 48855

(517) 552 3495

Affordable Airplane Ownership-7 Strategies

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